Employment Law Matters

S9E0 Employment Rights Bill | Initial Analysis

Daniel Barnett Season 9 Episode 1

In this bonus episode, recorded just hours after the government published the Employment Rights Bill, I give my immediate reaction to the Bill and discuss:

1. Unfair Dismissal as a ‘Right from Day One’ policy
2. Ending Fire and Rehire
3. Ending ‘exploitative’ zero hours contracts:
4. Protection from Third Party Sexual Harassment
5. Flexible working
6. Paternity, Parental and Bereavement Leave
7. Enhanced protection for pregnancy and new mothers
8. Statutory Sick Pay
9. Gender Pay Gap / Menopause:
10. Collective Redundancy Consultation
11. Written Statement of Particulars of Employment

Register NOW for a half day deep-dive into the Employment Rights Bill at www.danielbarnett.com/newbill.

This podcast is supported by Occupational Health Assessment Ltd and didlaw Employment Lawyers.

Employment law updates – www.danielbarnett.com       
My YouTube channel - www.youtubelegal.co.uk

Harassment Pack - https://danielbarnett.com/harassment/
HR Platinum Policy Package 2024 – www.polices2024.com
The Virtual Employment Law Academy – www.virtualemploymentlawacademy.com
Join the HR Inner Circle – www.hrinnercircle.co.uk
Ultimate Employment Law 2024 - https://danielbarnett.com/ultimate2024/
Own-branded email updates for solicitors - www.employmentlawbulletins.com

My books include the Employment Law Handbook, Resolving Grievances and Computer and Social Media Misuse (see all books).

I'm Daniel Barnett, an employment law and HR barrister.  I advise and represent clients in employment tribunal litigation. I have my main website and work out of a set of Chambers.  I run a membership club for smart, ambitious HR Professionals and present the legal hour on LBC Radio.

Contact my personal assistant via email.

This podcast is published by (c) Employment Law Services Limited.  The information in this video is for general guidance only and, although the presenters and publisher believe it was correct at the time it was recorded, the law may have changed since then.  You should always seek your own independent legal advice.  Any employment law explained applies to England, Scotland and Wales only.

Virtual Employment Law Academy - www.virtualemploymentlawacademy.com

Ask me a question on the podcast - https://danielbarnett.com/podcastquestion/