Employment Law Matters

041 Coronavirus: Taking Annual Leave on Furlough

Daniel Barnett Season 1 Episode 41

In this episode, Daniel Barnett discusses:-

1.  Can an Employee be on Furlough and Annual Leave at the same time?

2. Can Employers require employees to take their holiday leave during furlough?

3.  Is Holiday Pay when on Furlough based on 80% or 100%?  And does it include Commission and Bonuses?

IMPORTANT: This podcast episode deals with a wholly unclear area of law.  It represents the speaker's views, but you rely on them at your own risk.  If you want specific advice, please contact Outer Temple Chambers, via Adam.MacDonald@outertemple.com.

The transcript of this episode, along with a variety of exclusive coronavirus resources (including a template Furlough Leave Agreement, a complete set of FAQs on coronavirus and employment law, and a homeworking policy) are available to members of www.hrinnercircle.co.uk 

(c) Employment Law Services Limitied 2020

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